A Ride Home: Tampa FBI Two Read online
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They were seated next to a window, and John sat in the seat facing the front entrance, which was always his habit. With his job, he liked to be able to see his surroundings. He may have a carefree spirit, but he still had an edge to him where he was always on his toes making sure to notice the environment he was in.
Once they sat down, they ordered a bottle of the Riesling White Wine and looked over the menu. John already knew he was going to get the Prime Rib. Samantha still needed time to look over the menu. She decided on the Shrimp entrée’.
John looked at her with a warm smile, “I’m so glad I’m finally back from our last assignment. I missed you.”
“I missed you too. At least we had our video calls, so I was able to still see you that way. I worry about you when you’re in the field. That helped to know you were okay.”
He took her hand in his and peered into her eyes, “Aww sweetie, no reason to worry about me. I’m like Iron Man. Seriously though, I appreciate you wanting to make sure I’m safe and okay. That means a lot to me.” Then winked at her and he continued to hold her hand.
A smile that reached her eyes. “Well now that your back, we will have to make up for the week we missed.”
“Oh, I have a few ideas to make up for lost time.”
“I want to hear every single one of them when we get back.” She flirted back.
John adjusted himself, knowing they would have to move on to a safer conversation before they would be taking their food to go. He asked, “So what else did you do this week while I was away?”
“I read an amazing book. It was one of the emotional rollercoaster books that you never wanted to end.” She sighed as the story still had an impact on her. “Then when I finished, I figured I had to go back to reality and get some work done on my summer projects around the house. I’m adding to my garden and painting some lawn furniture.”
“That sounds like a relaxing week at least. Sometimes those are the better ones where nothing too exciting is happening or any drama that you have to put out any fires.”
“True, I’ll take my day on the couch with my glass of wine and book in my hand any day. Those are not boring days to me. Those are my relaxing moments.”
John thinking to himself, He may have to join in on her relaxing time and maybe they’ll do a book club, where he’d have her read some scenes from the book. He saw the type of book collection she kept, and she liked the naughty ones. She says she likes them for the storyline, but he was questioning it when he read a couple of paragraphs. He thought, Hmm. Maybe when we get back I’ll see if she wants to reenact one of them!
He told her high level about his recent case and what Tammy, James, and he did during the week. It wasn’t an exciting case; they were more assisting another team. Even if it was, he didn’t like to talk much about his job with her. He didn’t want her to worry and fret over him. His job was dangerous, and she knew that and mostly accepted the danger that went with his career, but she still worried. His personality suited his job, since he was more action, out there with boots on the ground.
As he sat there looking at Samantha listening her talk, he was thinking in the back of his mind, Wow things are going well right now. How did I get so lucky to meet her? I can’t believe I’m serious about someone by age 30.
He remembered the night they first met, her blue eyes looked up at him with her shy smile. She had a drink in her hand, while stirring it with her straw. Now looking back, he knew that was the moment he was captured by her. There was something so incredibly vulnerable about her. He didn’t know what it was about her that called to him.
Now a few months later and the way things were going, he saw a future with her. It wasn’t only about her looks. She was a kind soul, that exuded warmth. Going out in the world teaching the next generation, encouraging them to live to their fullest potential and being a support system, cheering the kids on. Telling them words of affirmation. He loved her passion and heart for her students, some already having difficulty at already such a young age. Whether it was home life, studies, or whatever. Then hearing how she would step in and help. Even while on summer break, she still was helping some of her students out. Taking food to a struggling family. Offering more guidance to a student who was struggling or incorporating other teaching methods to help the student.
They met through a mutual friend while out one evening. They immediately hit it off. One look into her eyes, he knew he was screwed. He didn’t even try taking her home that night, even though he desperately wanted to. However, he knew she was like a fine china and would need to be cherished. It was also that moment, he didn’t want her to be just some girl in the bar he met that night. Hanging out with her and his friends that night, he knew she was special, and he wanted to invest the time in finding out more about her. That was the first time he asked a woman on a date with honorable intentions.
They went out on a date shortly after meeting for the first time, and he asked her out again and again. On their dates, she was passionate, funny, and she had a certain vulnerability that pulled at John. He wanted to make her safe and protect her. He didn’t know what he was going to protect her from, but she pulled at his inner caveman. Now it’s at the point they’re in a steady dating relationship. They had the “talk” weeks ago. So, they were an exclusive couple now.
After they finished their lovely meal, they ordered the dessert to go. They were both anxious to go back to Samantha’s house and have some real fun.
Chapter 3
James walked through the door, setting his keys and mail on the table. He needed to tidy up the house before the gang all arrived. He hosted poker night whenever he was in town, since he had a big set up. It didn’t hurt that he was single with no kids at home. James also liked the added benefit of not worrying about getting home afterwards.
He'd been single for a while. His ex and him breaking up two years ago. After that debacle with her, he wasn’t rushing into dating again. Currently, he enjoyed infrequent hookups where he left when they were done. He was scared to attract another crazy one. His new motto, go with the flow and don’t take it too seriously.
He ordered wings, pizza, and other appetizers for the night before jumping in the shower. The guys would bring beer so everything would be good to go.
Once he finished getting ready, he set up the poker table while listening to the news in the background. The broadcast was discussing a string of murders that had taken place over the last few months. James thought, I wonder what’s going on there? He hoped since it was local, maybe they could take it over if they were connected. Then he could be at home every night. There was nothing like sleeping in your own bed at the end of a long day.
The guys started flowing in ten minutes later, with the last guy showing up within five minutes of that. The delivery person showed up with the food a few minutes later, so it was perfect timing. James had six guys at his house for poker night. Once everyone was settled, they all popped a beer open and sat around the island in the kitchen to eat first.
They talked about the baseball games that week, which team won and what predictions they had for the season. Whose favorite team would make it to the playoff. They had a great assumption that the Rays would make it to the World Series. Which was generating a lot of excitement and pride in town.
After they finished eating, everyone headed to the dining room to start the night of trash talk and winning or losing money. James didn’t know why they wanted him in the game. He was a Behavior Analyst. He knew most of their tells and when they were bluffing. If he lost, it was due to a crappy hand. Nothing much you could do if the opposing player had a good hand. Maybe it thrilled the other guys to see if they could outwit him.
Sometimes if he were feeling nice, he’d play along even when he knew they had a crappy hand and would allow them to win. He couldn’t slaughter them in all the hands. He had to let them win here and there or otherwise they would kick him off game night. He was sure they’d still make him host the evening. They would
just have him be the score keeper. So, he humored them from time to time. Tonight, wouldn’t be that night, he was in for blood. He couldn’t be off his game, he would be studying his opponents like a hawk. They weren’t betting serious money; it was more for bragging rights.
He let the guys know, “Tammy and her friends may be joining if they get bored at the bar.” They were all familiar with the group of ladies as they had crashed poker night a time or two.
One guy responded, “We’ll get Tammy to help us then. We’re not having two people analyzing our every move and take all our money.”
James responded laughing, “No way. Don’t be such a pussy. If you knew how to play, you wouldn’t lose.”
Internally James groaned, worried about Tammy also, since he’d lost many hands to her. She was good at figuring out his tells. He was lucky she didn’t tell the guys what they were. Honestly, he wasn’t even sure what they were. He tried his best to be very stoic, so he wasn’t for sure what it was that she noticed when he had a bad hand.
Around 10:00 p.m., Tammy called, “Hey, have you lost all your money yet?”
James laughed her off, “Nope, I’m up and on a winning streak, baby.”
“Well, I’m on my way to take it. The girls are calling it a night, so it’ll be only me.”
James noticed she sounded a bit tipsy, “Do you need me to swing by and pick you up?”
“Oh no, I’ll take a rideshare no worries.”
“Okay, I’ll see ya in a little bit then.”
After hanging up he went back to the game. He was up, but not by the amount he wanted to be this far along in the game. Some of the guys, lucky bastards, were having a rather good night and the cards were in their favor.
Tammy arrived a half hour later, pulled up a chair, and was dealt in the next round. She swept the table and took the round for herself. He swore maybe she was a secret professional gambler on the side. Even he wasn’t as lucky as her. If anyone should be banished from the game, it was her. He was glad she arrived late, otherwise he’d be broke by now. She was like a viper coming to strike.
Tammy casually conversed with everyone, asking about their families and the kids’ latest events. Her being James’ partner and his best friend, she was his plus one to many events. She got along well with the guys and knew their wives and families.
One of the guys asked, “You snag Mr. Right, yet?”
“No, not yet. Still waiting on him to come along. It’s hard being on the road a lot. Also, let’s not forget, once guys learn what I do for a living, it's like they can’t handle it and I am coming for their masculinity or something. Maybe I’m too intimidating?”
The guy replied, “Well Tammy, if they can’t see how wonderful you are, then screw them. I may know a guy though; he’d be perfect for you. He’s been divorced a couple of years, and I think he’s getting back into the dating pool.”
“Oh really, what’s he do for a living?” Tammy replied with interest.
“He is in banking, fun guy, good job, and super smart.”
“Hmmmm…. Let me think about it and I’ll get back to you.”
“Okay, sounds good.”
Tammy looked over at James, “What about you James? Your ex still giving you hell? I mean I can take her down if she is. You say the word partner, I’ve got your back with that psycho bitch.”
James sighing, “Thankfully, no, I haven’t heard from her in a while and I plan to keep it that way. I think the last time she got the message with me filing a restraining order on her after she broke into my house and vandalized my property. It still gives me the creeps every time I think about our breakup and the nightmare that went with it. Her cries of killing herself if I didn’t take her back, and the break-ins to my house. I hope she is getting the much-needed help that she needs. The courts mandated her to therapy, so hopefully it is getting through to her.”
“Yea, that was a rough one. You sure know how to pick them don’t you, James?” Tammy said laughing.
“Yea, lets hope I don’t make that mistake again.”
About 1:00 a.m. everyone was winding down and called their taxis and rideshares to take them home. Tammy was the clear winner of the evening for the little time she spent playing.
Chapter 4
The driver pulled up to a residence to pick up his next passenger. It was a young lady walking up to his vehicle. She was pretty, but not his type. She had blonde hair, 5’8, and green eyes. His usual type was petite with brunette or dark hair. This gig was perfect for him. It was a great way to hunt. They would lead him right to their doorstep.
His passenger tonight smelled of booze and looked a bit drunk. He made casual conversation as he typically did with his passengers.
“How’s your Friday night going?”
As she slurred her words a little, “It’s going alright, well actually really good. I’m a winner!” Then she pumped her arms in the air.
He responded laughing, “Yes well that’s good to hear, way better than loosing.” He then added, “So are you on your way to the next party or winding down your Friday night?”
His passenger responded, “Oh noooo, definitely winding it down. It’s already late and I’m not as young as I used to be, where staying out all night was thought to be a good decision. It’s already way past the time I should be out.”
“I can relate to that. Well, I’m glad you called and found a safe ride home. I wish more people did.”
“Yes indeed, we see way too many lives shattered for the wrong decision to drive after drinking. It’s a tragedy. Have you been busy tonight for Friday?”
“Yes, it has been steady since I started working. I’ll be out for a few more hours.”
His passenger responded, “Well thank you for making sure people get home safely tonight, including myself. It’s nice to be in town for once on a weekend and be able to hang out with friends.”
“Ahh, you travel a lot?”
“Yes.” She didn’t explain further than that. She didn’t like giving out personal details of her life, and she couldn’t believe she even said that. Must be the alcohol lowering her inhibitions.
The driver seemed harmless. She thought, I’m sure he knows more about Tampa’s population than her. Passengers probably talk his ears off.
They pulled up to her house in no time, and she handed him a cash tip and said her thanks and goodbye. She wasn’t jealous of the driver still having a long night ahead of him. She appreciated the services that he gave. It saved countless lives and in the morning, families would still be whole and not grieving a loved one.
Once Tammy got in the house, she locked her doors and reset her alarm system. She went in the refrigerator and grabbed some water. She knew she would need to down the water if she wanted to survive the morning.
She glanced at her phone and saw a text from James telling her to text him when she got home. She smiled at the message and thought if only more guys could be like him. He always looked out for her and checked on her. He truly was a great friend.
She sent him a message back, stating that she was home and getting ready to take her bubble bath and head for bed. Thanking him for checking on her.
James replied to have a goodnight. He internally groaned, wondering why the hell Tammy needed to give him that visual. He was sure he would have a hard time getting to sleep now with that stuck in his mind. I mean they were friends and all, but really he was still a guy.
Chapter 5
John woke up still holding on to Samantha. His hard dick laid against her perfect round ass. She was still sleeping. He thought he would wake her up with a special wake up call. That’s how he’d want to be woken up every day.
He climbed down her body and spread her legs apart and took his tongue and licked her up and down until she started moaning, letting him know she was awake now. Which he knew by her fingers grabbing on to his hair and grinding against his face.
He rolled on to his back and lifted her up and placed her on h
is face. She started riding his face until she exploded.
As she collapsed on top of him, trying to catch her breath, “That was the best wakeup call ever.”
Afterwards, they headed for the shower to continue their fun. He took a sponge and poured soap on it then slowly began to wash her body. Moving it over her nipples. Gliding back and forth until he could see her nipples started to peak.
He reached his head down and grabbed one of them in his mouth and began to lavish it with his tongue. Stopping, so he could continue washing the rest of her body. He moved the sponge down her body and started cleaning the rest of her.
Her body now on fire from his touch, she grabbed the soap and started washing him back. Squeezing the soap directly on to his body and rubbing it in with her hands. Samantha ran her hands all over his chest and abs. Then moved down and grabbed his cock and started stroking him.
She placed her hands on his shoulders and moved him in front of the water to rinse him off and then she slid to her knees. She continued stroking him. Her tits glistening with water. He reached down with his hand and guided his cock into her mouth which she took in graciously until it reached the back of her throat.
He looked at her, with her eyes looking directly at him, while her mouth was filled with him, deep throating him, like she couldn’t get enough. He grabbed the back of her hair and started moving his hips to her rhythm.
He watched as he slid in and out, and her sucking him like he was her last meal. She cupped his balls in her hand and started caressing them. He felt his balls getting tight and knew he was getting ready to come. He tried to pull out, but she held on to his ass and took him all the way in her to mouth, not letting him go, sucking him until he came. She swallowed every drop until there was nothing left. He swore as he held on to the shower wall trying not to collapse.